Why only taxway kiddoo ?

Memory base

We provide students with opportunities to apply learning -- especially through authentic, personally meaningful activities -- and then provide formative assessments and feedback throughout a unit, facts move from route memory to become part of the memory bank. We give childrens explicit opportunities such as how to learn, study, organize, prioritize, review, and actively participate in class. Activities that can mentally develop and include comparing and contrasting, giving new examples of a concept, spiraled curriculum, group collaboration, open-ended discussions. Additionally, executive function is developed through which students summarize and symbolize new learning into new formats, such as through the arts or writing across the curriculum.

Game Base

Do you sometimes feel that education or training is dull and you don't feel engaged or motivated enough for your child ? Then, it's time you engage and send your child in KIDDOO for game based interactive learning .

Sanskar based

Teaching our children good manners at an early age may solve many problems down the road. Manners, proper etiquette some would say, may be one of the top lessons a child needs to learn. As an adult we have to behave in a certain manner. We all know someone, an adult, we feel has terrible manners or no etiquette at all. Do you want your children to be one of those adults that everyone avoids because they don't have good manners? If No, than send your child at Taxway Kiddoo

Child Development & Education

Really amazing school. We are very happy with your school. We are with you for a long time.
Ashok Tak

I am satisfied with Taxway Kiddoo school & very nice programme of mother's day for us.
Vishnu Prasad